Case Study

Great Lakes Shoreline Stabilization

Living Waters Consultants provides engineering services for the stabilization, enhancement, and restoration of eroding and degraded Lake Michigan shoreline and bluff areas. Shoreline often include steep bluff slopes extending down to the water level. An example includes stabilization and enhancement for private shoreline property located atop of a 50-foot tall bluff. Site conditions included a failing sheet pile wall system along the shoreline, loss of valuable lakefront property, impaired recreational value, bluff erosion extending up to the top of bank, bank instability extending upslope proximate to an existing historic clubhouse, loss of trees, and wave reverberation impacts. Engineering Services included Site Survey using steep-slope methodology, Geomorphic Assessments, Final Engineering Plans, Drainage Control, Permitting, Bidding, Construction Observation, Monitoring, and related services.

Project Gallery


Converting Degraded Streams and Lakes Into Community Assets

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  John 7:38