Awards and Recognition

IAFSM – Stormwater Management Award

Illinois Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management – Stormwater Management Award for Converting a Degraded Quarry Into a Restored Community Asset (LWC Provided Engineering Design, Permitting, Construction Observation, Monitoring and Maintenance Observations).

The Illinois DNR states, “The Project restored 150 acres of eroded quarry with chronic flooding and 20-foot tall degraded slopes into a recreational park amenity. Over 86 acres of the Project Site now retain and infiltrate runoff from the sub-watershed through the 100-year, 24-hour rainfall recurrence interval. The stormwater management and biodiversity project both encourages natural landscapes and helps greatly reduce the deposition of sediment into Jelkes Creek. The Project should become a model project for future quarry restoration efforts.”

IECA – Environmental Achievement Award

International Erosion Control Association – Converting a Degraded Quarry Into a Restored Community Asset. According to the IECA Awards Committee Chair, “Jelke Creek is a wonderful example of a restoration project that provided not only erosion control but multiple benefits to the community.” (LWC Provided Engineering Design, Permitting, Construction Observation, Monitoring, Maintenance Observations, and Grant Acquisition Assistance).


Living Waters Consultants has written several project-related articles published in various magazines, trade journals and newspapers including CE News Magazine, APWA Reporter, Land and Water Magazine, Chicago Tribune, Landscape Architect Magazine, Daily Herald Newspaper, and others.

Chicago River Fish Hotel

Excellence in Landscape Awards – Ecological Planning for the Fish Hotel Project. The Fish Hotel Project has also been the recipient of the Chicago Greenworks Award and the U.S. EPA / Chicago Wilderness Native Landscaping Award.

Ted Gray was the fish and wetland habitat design engineer for the Chicago River Fish Hotel. The project was sponsored by Friends of the Chicago River. Structural design and construction provided by team member WRD Environmental with Domenico D’Alessandro.

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Converting Degraded Streams and Lakes Into Community Assets

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  John 7:38