Case Study

Floodplain Wetland Enhancement

Living Waters Consultants provided Wetland Engineering for over 12,000 LF (2.3 miles) of a channelized reach of Raccoon Creek. Restoration measures included the conveyance of moderate flow flow levels from a restored stream into side channel wetland habitat. LWC provided Fluvial Geomorphic Evaluations, Engineering Design, Plans, Details, Specifications, Cost Estimates, and Construction Observation services with team member V3 Consultants. Restorative hydration of historic backwater wetlands significantly improved the aquatic habitat at Raccoon Creek. The site is classified by IDNR as a Biologically Significant Resource. Previously, the channelized stream lacked habitat for state endangered Iowa Darter. The restored streamside wetlands may provide sufficient habitat to allow this endangered species to become re-established in the project reach. Rare species using the site include whooping cranes, bald eagle, short-eared owl, and sandhill cranes.

Project Gallery


Converting Degraded Streams and Lakes Into Community Assets

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  John 7:38