Case Study

Fish Surveys & IBI Calculations – Raccoon Creek Re-Meandering Project

Living Waters Consultants and Illinois DNR with the Natural Land Institute performed pre- and post-construction fish species assessments at the Raccoon Creek Re-Meandering Project. The project site is a 1.5-mile long reach of Raccoon Creek located at the Nygren Wetland Preserve in Rockton, Illinois. Raccoon Creek is classified by IDNR as a Biologically Significant Resource. However, past channelization significantly impacted aquatic habitat. Recent stream restoration and re-meandering design efforts completed by Living Waters Consultants and V3 Consultants have significantly enhanced stream health and fish species diversity. Research by LWC to date indicates re-colonization of previously absent fish species including Rock Bass, Madtom (a state threatened species), and Brook Silverside, Rock Bass require good water quality and high dissolved oxygen levels. Grass Pickerel which require instream vegetation have increased 1,500%. Stream health as measured by IBI has improved 33%. The number of fish species has increased 100% from 11 to 22. Restored habitat includes deep meander pools, increased in-stream vegetation, backwater wetlands, and side-channel wetlands.

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Converting Degraded Streams and Lakes Into Community Assets

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  John 7:38