Case Study

Flood Mitigation – Using Stream and Wetland Restoration

Living Waters Consultants provided Final Engineering Services to utilize stream restoration and wetland basin construction to reduce residential flood impacts. Downstream flood elevations were successfully reduced for several residences that had been impacted. Over $750,000 in grant funding was obtained for the construction project. Services provided included Final Engineering Design Plans, Hydraulic Modeling, Wetland Delineations, Permitting, Bidding, Grant Administration / Grant Acquisition, Construction Observation, and Monitoring. Site features included 650 linear feet of re-meandering of a severely eroded and channelized ditch, construction of 3 wetland basins for a total 0.7 acres, over 1,000 linear feet of streambank stabilization, rock riffle construction, site earthwork for elevated basin construction, installation of a native planting riparian area, modification of an improperly functioning culvert subject to severe clogging, and installation of 200 linear feet of bioswale infiltration.

Project Gallery


Converting Degraded Streams and Lakes Into Community Assets

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  John 7:38