Case Study

Dam Removal Engineering – Seavey Ditch

Comprehensive Engineering Services were provided for Dam Removal and 1,750 linear feet of Stream Corridor Restoration on Seavey Ditch. Living Waters Consultants, Inc. provided Fluvial Geomorphic Evaluations, Dam Removal and Stream Restoration Design Engineering Plans, Natural Channel Design Methods, Details, Specifications, Cost Estimates, and Construction Observation, as well as assistance with Permitting, Bid Documents, Contractor Selection, and Maintenance Inspection services. Prior to dam removal, stream impacts included 2-foot thick sediment deposits, local extirpation of mussel populations due to low dissolved oxygen and other water quality impacts, nuisance odors, loss of flood storage, low fish species diversity, and an abundant population of undesirable common carp. Restoration of the channel included conversion from a low gradient system with silt deposits to a moderate gradient channel with riffles and pool habitat. This has allowed re-colonization of desirable fish species including an abundant Hornyhead Chub population, healthy mussel habitat, and improved water quality. In many areas, silt deposits have been converted into vegetated wetlands with native plant species. Stabilization of banks and wetlands has persisted despite a 100-year flood event within only 4 months after construction. The municipal client was awarded a Lake County Award for Stormwater Community of the Year in part based on two projects completed by LWC.

Project Gallery


Converting Degraded Streams and Lakes Into Community Assets

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  John 7:38