Case Study

Wetland Detention Basin Engineering – Flood control

LWC provided design engineering and construction observation services included for a 14-acre-foot Wetland Detention Basin. Services included Wetland Engineering Design, Grading Plan, Planting Plan, Construction Specifications, and assistance with Construction Observation. The Project received the APWA Project of the Year as well as the ACEC Engineering Excellence Merit Award. Bioswales were included to convey filtered runoff into the wetland basin. Wetland features include multiple cells, emergent and aquatic vegetation, sediment forebays to facilitate sediment cleanout, interspersed pools, and native plantings. The Wetland Basin provided regional flood control, as an innovative demonstration of environmentally sound alternative for flood abatement. The wetland basin serves 190 acres of tributary area. Past nuisance residential flooding was virtually eliminated. Project partners included 7 government agencies. Public Outreach included education regarding the typical lack of mosquito problems in healthy, functioning wetlands. Wetland Detention Basin Project Management and Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling was provided by team member Berns Clancy Associates. LWC observed construction by J.F. New Associates and others.

Project Gallery


Converting Degraded Streams and Lakes Into Community Assets

“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  John 7:38